
Would you like a book that’s personally autographed by the author?

“When the night is gently falling, and the moon is on the rise, close your eyes, close your eyes...the night is singing lullabies.”

All ready for bed, a little girl lingers, listening to the night’s enchanting music—birds flying, branches creaking, the radiator sighing, the evening singing. With lilting rhythms and rhyming lines, this gracefully illustrated lullaby evokes that comfy-cozy time of night when sleep is still a blink away. Delightful and soothing, this book is a perfect addition to any bedtime ritual.

Illustrated by Kyrsten Brooker.

Age Range: 4 and up
Grade Level: Preschool and up
Hardcover: 40 pages
Publisher: Dial (May 18, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0803730047
ISBN-13: 978-0803730045


“This perfect bedtime read captures the sounds of a creaky old house in the country as well as the noises outside. Vivid images evoke the contrast between the stormy fall night and the snug coziness indoors: Hear the hissing,/Soft as kissing,/From the radiator grate./Hear the chiming/ Tell-the-timing/Of the hall clock striking eight. Attractive, full-page folk-art illustrations that combine collage and oil paint on gessoed watercolor paper lend an old-fashioned charm to the rural scene and the comfort and security within.” —Sally R. Dow, School Library Journal

“This atmospheric bedtime book offers a quiet celebration of nighttime sounds. At dusk in a picturesque country village, a little girl preparing for bed identifies after-dark creaks, rustles, and rumbles as “lullabies” sung by the night. Lilting verse in a second-person voice (“Up you go / Tippy-toe”) invites children inside cozy domestic scenes, as the rocking-chair rhythms and soothing words demystify scary unknowns: “Hear the hissing / Soft as kissing, / From the radiator grate. . . . The house is singing lullabies.” The text lacks a true story line, but it conveys a vivid sense of cocooning safety, unpunctured even in the wake of a “crashing” thunderstorm, and Brooker’s distinctive collage-and-paint illustrations effectively juxtapose the bright farmhouse interiors with the increasingly dramatic outdoor scenes.…kids who harbor bedtime anxieties will gain courage from the notion of a night filled with friendly, serenading presences.” —Jennifer Mattson, Booklist

“Ready for bed with her favorite bunny tucked under her arm, a little girl climbs the stairs to her room while the sounds of the night begin to sing their lullabies. But each new sound of the hissing radiator, the chiming clock, the squalling geese, her romping tabby cat, the blowing wind, the thunder and rain, makes the little girl increasingly awake and anxious until the “tip-tap beat” of her “mama’s feet” brings mother’s singing to her room. The patterned rhyming text—“Now the moon beams down upon you, / And the stars ignite the skies. / ’Til you rise, / ’Til you rise, / The night will sing you lullabies”—moves the child from acquiescence, to play, to fear, to soothing comfort and finally sleep. Fabric/paper collage on oil paintings in multiple colors of blues and dark purples provide a lot of detail and texture to the nocturnal scenes featuring an otherwise standard theme. Gratifying and readable night after night.” —Kirkus